

Troop Email Group

The Troop Committee has agreed to set up an email "group" to facilitate communication within our troop. Any individual who subscribes to this "group" will automatically receive, via email, timely announcements, dates, deadlines, reminders, and other information sent to a single, common email address.

Our group email address is bactroop442@googlegroups.com (...the "bac" stands for Bay Area Council...) This group is open to all leaders, parents, and scouts associated with troop 442.

Any email note addressed to bactroop442@googlegroups.com will be distributed to all "members" of the group (i.e., the entire troop).

To subscribe to the troop email group, go to groups.google.com. (click on this Hyperlink) 

Sign in or create a google account with any email address

Search for  bactroop442 , and select the Croup

Since this Email address is not part of the group you will receive  

instructions on how to  "Ask to Join Group"

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