Troop 442 Uniform Classifications
Full Class A - Worn for formal occasions (Court of Honor, Scoutmaster Conferences, Boards of Review, public and scout ceremonies, Troop elections):
tan scout shirt green regulation scout shorts/pants scout belt and buckle scout socks red neckerchief with blue trim and slide red shoulder epaulets merit badge sash.
Scouts of all ranks are encouraged to wear the regulation green shorts/pants with Boy Scout socks. ALL RANKS STAR AND ABOVE ARE REQUIRED to wear regulation green shorts/pants. Ranks below Star are allowed to wear jean or cargo style pants/shorts in place of the green shorts/pants.
Class A - Semi-Formal (All Troop meetings unless otherwise announced, traveling, flag postings, service projects,traveling (as designated by event Scoutmaster)
Same as Class A with the following exceptions: no sash required jeans or cargo style pants/shorts are acceptable in place of green scout short/pants
Class B - Casual (Occasional Troop meetings, camps, service projects, traveling (as designated by event Scoutmaster), etc.)
Approved Troop 442 red polo Shirt or Troop 442 t-shirt scout socks shorts or pants Shorts/pants can either be the green scout shorts/pants or jean/cargo style shorts/pants
Class C - Anything that does not fall in the above three classes. (Work days, campouts, traveling (as designated by event Scoutmaster, etc.)). Attire should support scouting themes.
A hat is not required for any of the uniforms. The Troop has adopted it's own red hat with logo and it may be worn with any uniform. Non-scout caps are not to be worn.
Shoes are required to be closed toed to prevent injury.
Please Note: All Troop Meetings will be Class A unless announced otherwise.
Patrol Leaders will normally call the individual scouts before each meeting to advise which uniform to wear; however
it is up the the individual scout to check with his Patrol Leader if he does not hear from him.
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